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Payment and Cancellation 

The retreat costs $715 and includes:

  • Full-day workshops Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

  • Optional add-on workshop with Holy Bean 

  • Meet the Teachers dessert & beverage reception on Thursday night

  • Catered lunch on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

  • Gather in the evenings to visit with old and new friends during open beading time

  • Your own private bead marketplace

  • Private trunk shows with Sherry, Miriam, Apollinariya, and Holly

  • Gifts and door prizes

  • Pendant swap

  • Charity raffle

  • The fee for the retreat does not include transportation or hotel costs.

  • The retreat fee does not include workshop kits or supply items.

  • The retreat fee does not include daily breakfast or dinner.




A non-refundable deposit of $250 is required to reserve your spot in the retreat. You must pay the balance of $465 by December 31, 2023.  If you do not pay your balance by the due date, you forfeit your deposit and your spot in the class. 

You have the option of paying just the deposit to hold your spot at this time or paying the total amount due. You will receive a confirmation e-mail when your registration has been processed successfully. For any questions, please contact us at or call 603-583-2579.


After paying your initial deposit to hold your spot, monthly payments are available.  If you select this payment option on the registration form, you will be sent an invoice from my accounting software each month starting the month after your deposit payment until December 2023.  All payments are due by the 15th of the month you receive your invoice and may be paid securely online using a debit/credit card or PayPal.  If you choose to take advantage of this option, please pay as you receive invoices.  If you skip two invoices in a row, your monthly payment option will be canceled and not be available in subsequent years. Thank you in advance for your assistance.  


Cancellation Policy:  


Cancellation penalties:

  • Before 8/1/2023- $125 (half your deposit)

  • 8/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 - $250 (entire deposit)

  • 1/1/2024 or after -  $715 - (entire amount)


Cancellation by customer: 


If you have to cancel your attendance, you will be refunded the amount paid less any applicable cancellation penalties as stated on the event webpage and a $50 processing fee.  Fully paid registered spaces are transferable if you cannot attend at the last minute. We will attempt to find a replacement from our waitlist if one exists.  If someone registers for your spot, we will refund your payment less any applicable cancellation penalties and a $50 processing fee. If no one is available on the waitlist, it is your responsibility to find a replacement for your spot in the retreat in order to have your payment refunded.  

We encourage you to obtain Cancellation and/or Travel Insurance. SocialBeadia, LLC, Sue Burleigh, or any of our subsidiaries cannot be held responsible for your cancellation for any reason.


Cancellation by instructor(s):


In the unlikely event, that one or more instructor(s) have to cancel, SocialBeadia reserves the right to provide a replacement instructor of their choice or reschedule the event.  Any refund available will be solely at the discretion of SocialBeadia, LLC.


Cancellation by SocialBeadia:


If SocialBeadia has to cancel the retreat for business or personal reasons other than those stated below, your entire payment will be refunded.  If the event is canceled due to acts of God, war on American soil, government regulations, disaster, strikes, civil disorder, curtailment of transportation facilities, or any other situation making it inadvisable, illegal, or impossible to hold the event, no refund will be available.  SocialBeadia strongly recommends you purchase travel/cancellation insurance to cover your costs in case of one of these unforeseeable occurrences.

By signing up for the retreat and making a deposit, you agree to these terms.

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